Welcome to the first day of MayDay! Where I will blog sometimes in May.
Last Nights Dream.
Picture the world in the largest conflict of all time. Northern Hemisphere against Southern Hemisphere. Only the adults aren't the ones fighting this war, it's the kids. (Hunger Games is about to enter) Each hemisphere carefully selects 20 kids from the ages of 13-19 to duke it out in the providence of British Columbia. No training, no warning, no choice. All over kids were being taken away from there homes, schools, and jobs and put into these holding centers where a select amount would be put into what was like a gladiator battle. Each was provided one weapon, they were unusual. For instance, mine was a spoon. There will be one victor who would then be put into another holding center and so on and so until the 20 victors would rise to the top. The 20 now fighters were put into houses where friendships were to be made. Teamwork was the key to defeating the South. (I'm bias, cause in the dream I was one of the 20 fighters for the north) Then I woke up.
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