Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Life in 2011: Milestones

Wanna know what happens when I lose precious hours of sleep? This, my lovely friends is what happens. I am about to share with you all a few tid-bit stories that are slight milestones in my life in 2011. And on we go...

-I dropped out of my first BIO 101 class after the first day. He was intimidating and made me stand in front of the class and expose my life to a bunch of strangers. He asked me to pour out my life to a group of students whom which I had never met nor did I know what sinister things they could do with my precious information. He should have just planned a sleep over and had us all engaged in a game of truth or dare truth. 

-I got my first F.  In my defense to every question I had my professor proceeded to answer with "That’s just how it is" Excuse me? You are a teacher and I pay money for you to teach me "how it is" If there is no real meaning or purpose behind why this problem came out to this answer then why the heck am I spending all my brain juices trying to figure out a meaningless equation!? Logic math is 10% math, and 90% if P then Q nonsense/anything else pointless you can think of mixed with Egyptian/Chinese/Hebrew number systems. I was very distraught and had countless sleepless nights due to that class. 

-I have never liked my job. Being a cashier at a grocery store is fun and all, but when I am working for people who love their job like captain hook loved peter pan, there’s a problem. I never wanted the job, but when an opportunity is placed in your lap you better take it. I finally made my own decision and left. My last day was the Tuesday before Christmas...I think they wanted to poke me with a pitchfork due to my abandonment. I am now an official "poor college student" I'll have to get another job if I ever want to backpack around Europe ;]

-I survived my philosophy class! I wanted to quite after the whole class bombed the first exam, but I stuck with it. The one thing I pulled from that class was that I have a very different view on Life and God then a lot of people, but my faith is strong and little philosophical remarks will never change my mind about my God. I went through a really emotional period in that class and came out of it even stronger in my belief then ever. (not really my professors goal, but he can deal) 

- I leaped out of my comfort bubble and joined a small group at my church. I don't normally do things on my own so it was a pretty big deal to me. The first night I got there and I was so nervous to walk in. I don’t know what I'm so scared of exactly but it makes me feel sick. I still get anxious even though I’ve been going for over ten weeks now. I am a creature of habit for sure, but inside all I want is to jump into every random adventure I can get my hands on. (Goal for 2012)

There are many more but these are the events that I learned the most from.


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