Thursday, August 25, 2011


O_O "I feel the earth.move under my feet..."
In these past two days Virginians all over experienced the rumble of earthquakes. Confused? So was I, don't worry. Here are the facts.

  1. Started under Mineral VA
  2. 5.9 Magnitude
  3. Everyone in their cars thought we were having some kind of "car breakdown" apocalypse. 
  4. Many thought train tracks had secretly been installed in their backyards.
  5. Lawn furniture was dropping like flies. Tragic.
  7. Facebook newsfeed became a source with live Earthquake updates.

Now, this wasn't a Japanese or California quake, but for a state that doesn't get too many natural disasters, let alone an Earthquake, it was a BIG deal. And it was scary. 

Bucket list-
#15 Survive an earthquake (CHECK)

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