Friday, August 26, 2011


#1 The decision of whether or not to get out of bed and pee or fall back asleep and hope for the best.


Thursday, August 25, 2011


O_O "I feel the earth.move under my feet..."
In these past two days Virginians all over experienced the rumble of earthquakes. Confused? So was I, don't worry. Here are the facts.

  1. Started under Mineral VA
  2. 5.9 Magnitude
  3. Everyone in their cars thought we were having some kind of "car breakdown" apocalypse. 
  4. Many thought train tracks had secretly been installed in their backyards.
  5. Lawn furniture was dropping like flies. Tragic.
  7. Facebook newsfeed became a source with live Earthquake updates.

Now, this wasn't a Japanese or California quake, but for a state that doesn't get too many natural disasters, let alone an Earthquake, it was a BIG deal. And it was scary. 

Bucket list-
#15 Survive an earthquake (CHECK)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

School Swag.

Game Face
Put on my game face and marched, yet again, into the halls of Community College. Today I met a crack head, a man who is not ashamed to burp aloud, three familiar faces, more unfamiliar faces, a young man who enjoys rainstorms, and a girl who gets confused easily. Dang straight I'm going to have superhuman stories to tell about this class.
One down, three more to attend.
Lets see how this week pans out.
..3..2..1 ACTION!


Real questions for real life.

Tuesday 6:40pm-At work.

Child- Dad can I have this? (points to a pack of gum)

Father- Son, one day I'm gonna teach you about gum. (pats sons head)

Myself- ....what? 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I am a very family oriented girl, I love them to death. Here is photograph of some of my family.
Jon(lil bros friend),Mom, Dad, Me, Harrison(lil bro), Grandma, Grandpa, Josh(big bro), Shauna(Big brothers fiance)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Cool Cats.

Allow me to introduce to you my Bestfriends. Emily and Haylee.
Me, Emily, Haylee.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Beach-in' it up!

I have been at the beach all week! 
Here are some pictures.
The ocean.
My older brother with his fiance.
This is our house.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Shark Week...

     This time last year I was enduring the frightening sleepless nights at the beach caused by Shark Week playing on the television.
Galeophobia- Fear of Sharks.

I was always frightened by these monstrous evil creatures, but I never thought I had a legit phobia till this morning when I tried to engage in the Shark Week phenomenon that has swept America... 
     So there I was, sitting on my couch watching shark attack after shark attack. I was feeling kinda dizzy and light headed. I ignored the strange behavior and continued watching the near death experiences. As I watched I learned that two "myths" that I held onto so dearly were "not necessarily true!?" Apparently sharks will hunt a little after feeding time (fatties), and sometimes they don't even care if there are dolphins, the will eat you anyway!? (In my mind dolphins are the Power Rangers of the sea) Then I began shaking. This is not normal, I could feel the blood leaving my head. I began to picture what I would do if a great white human hunting shark had leaped from the depths of the ocean and lunged my  helpless body into the sky with its jagged shark teeth. I could take no more, I was scaring the crap out of myself! I was scared, like "when it's late and you turn off the lights and shine a flashlight at your face while making extremely scary faces in the mirror" scared. I immediately turned the television off, and I sat on my couch thinking to myself, "next week my family, my friends, and I are going to be splashing around in a sharks front yard like it's the ball pit at chuck-e-cheese, with out a worrisome thought in our minds. I feel that if anything touches my leg, arm, foot etc... in the ocean I would instantly die of fear. Either that or I would turn into Chuck Norris and beat the crap out of every living shark that comes in contact with me. 

Who knows,
Morgan/Sunny Rae