Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Romeo and...

Hello! I should be finishing up my English paper right now... :)

I don't know if many of you are aware of my fear of "Horseback Riding".  Now I love horses, I think they are adorable, but I prefer not to ride on their backs. I was not always frightened by these majestic creatures.  It was the summer of 2004, Deep Creek Lake MD. My family was on vacation, so we all decided to go horseback riding. (my first time) I was given a horse by the name of 'Ginger' She was gray with black spots.  The ride was going great, I was just getting comfortable when Ginger thought it would be so fun to lift her front legs and do a black beauty pose!....OK so maybe not that extreme...We continued down the trail till we reached a point where a decision was to be made, go right or go straight. Everyone went right, even Ginger, until she saw my cousins horse go straight. And straight we went. We could not get the horses to stop and turn around! Eventually they turned around and met up with the rest of the group. So at that point horseback riding was no more! Until....

     Sunday October 7th 2010
This is what Romeo looked like :D
My little cousin Abby just had a Birthday. So her older sister Brie wanted to take her horseback riding. I got the invite over text, and my response was, Sure I'll go. So I met them at their house and we were on our way. I was shaking the WHOLE ride up. When we arrived the massive creatures were roaming the fields. After waiting for the clock to strike 12pm it was time to begin the journey.  My back was turned from the horses due to my fear. My heart jumped when I heard the words "Girl in the green hoodie..." yep that was me. I walked over to the legit cowboy standing with the white horse. I'm sure I looked like a 5 year with fear in my eyes. Then I was introduced to the horse. "This here is Romeo." said the legit cowboy. I thought to myself "how could a horse named Romeo be evil." The ride ended up being a blast, my horse was a sweetheart and nothing traumatizing happened. THE END :) Oh and I crossed a river on horseback, one more check of my bucket-list ;)

Shawn McDonald- The Waltz in 3

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