Friday, October 1, 2010

A Hike

I went on a hike today, the weather was perfect, and the scenery was beautiful.  Thats really all I have to say....hah yeah right!

     There was a planned hike that was supposed to take place at 10am this morning. I woke up at 10:30 by mistake, I was freaking out, running around the room grabbing clothes and shoes, while brushing my teeth at the same time.  I jumped in the car with Hannah and we sped up to the meeting place...PSH! they were so not even close to being ready to go.  Once the crew had their directions we were off.  My small group had an interesting ride up (or down, or sideways I really don't know) Anyway we made two wrong turns, and when we finally got on the right track, I looked at the dashboard and my fuel tank was on EMPTY.  After all that mess we finally arrived to the trail.  It was a beautiful hike, all downhill on the way to the falls (all uphill on the way back)  As far as anything eventful happening, About half the group climbed the mountainside to reach the top of the waterfall (I went half way then doubted my ability to climb up a mountain without plummeting to the bottom)  One brave soul decided to actually climb the waterfall.  She was soaked.  I found a flipping amazing caterpillar! He later died the tragic death of being flung off a sword...  Oh and the best part about this hike was that everything was super slick, so yes slipping and falling was not a rare sight.  There were like a bazillion steps on the trail?! Stairs are for houses not mountains!  When we finished the hike half of us (including me) went to Ruby Tuesdays aka The Arctic.  When we got back to the hotel, I jumped in the shower then walked to the Quality for a Movie (Zorro) So it was a pretty great day :D 

P.s I work in the office tomorrow so we will see how that goes.....

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