Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Good-Bye Giant

I am no longer a Giant employee.

  • My first day at Giant was October 9th.  
  • On my Second day at giant I witnessed something that I will never be able to forget.  An elderly women was loading her items on the belt when she gripped the edge of the register and began whispering to me...I thought she was possessed.  Then out of nowhere she falls flat on her back and pulls the cart down with her.  Her breathing was very heaving and her eyes were moving back and forth really fast.  Then she just stopped.  An ambulance came and took her out on stretcher, and I am happy to say that she is alive and well :)
There are four types of customers at Giant, The Perfects, The Impatient Ones, The Crazies, and The "Clever Ones"

  • A nice simple conversation, a smile, a compliment,  a thank you, these are all qualities of The Perfects. I love these customers :) 
  • Impatient people are a wee bit annoying, they roll their eyes, tap their fingers vigorously, glare at the cashier and/or bagger,  or my favorite-  mumble....No One Knows What You're Saying!!! so keep it in your head please.
  • The Crazies are the people who know just how to drive me up the wall!  A few examples are: When they line every single item in a single fill line on the left side of the belt, oh and when they buy a bunch of stuff and then go "oops I don't want them anymore" What?! Then why did you put it in your cart??  My favorite is after I finish bagging they go ''Oh oops I had bags here you go'' Why!...  (p.s I dislike this whole bring your own bag thing) 
  • People think they are so clever. I just love it when a customer buys something and then say "Oh no that is the wrong price" so I take them to the price tag and show them it's the right price. Then they try to convince me that I'm wrong...I'm not BLIND! or they try to do these weird separate transactions thinking they get a better price. What?! how is that making your purchase any cheaper??
While working at Giant I learned some important facts such as:
  • Never squeeze a bag of flour to hard
  • Always make up a fake injury when asked to go outside and push carts
  • Do not ever bag a child's toy with out their knowledge
  • Circus Peanuts keep you young
A few things to note before you go grocery shopping

  • Don't forget your wallet
  • Please take your child out the cart when checking out, unless you want him/her smooshed under groceries
  • Wash your "green" bags. Please!
  • And always thank the Bagger ;) haha

-Morgan, A Bagger