Monday, August 9, 2010

MacBooks and Answered Prayers

Hey Sunny here, so this morning my mac book came in the mail! It's a pretty big deal to me cause I paid for it myself, very exciting stuff right?  It has no right click button,that is so weird?

I have a pretty cool story to share: I plan on pursuing a career in Film, I've prayed about it and I really feel God can and will use me in that industry.  So, back in May I went to the Film Workshop by Advent Film Group, a Christian film ministry. I learned a lot about the post production of a film, finances, story lines, and legal blah. Anyway they take in a certain number of interns for each film they produce. I sent in my resume and waited......waited....and waited. I would pray and ask if this is really what God wants me to do, so being human I put everything on hold, I did nothing. I remember a chapel lesson I heard one Wednesday: You can't drive a parked car, God can't lead you if your not moving forward. I don't remember who said that but I wish I knew, I owe him a huge thank you! So I started to move forward, I registered for classes at the community college, I start in three weeks. This morning while my mom was at work she was looking at some college stuff and film activities to help me with all this. Then she stopped herself and asked the Lord to help find what He wants me to do, not just what I want. When she got home AFG sent me email saying i could qualify for an internship. So I filled out my application and sent it on its way. It's in God hands. Amazing how He answers prayer like this.

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