Sunday, September 23, 2012

We're Firefighters!!

Here is the story of how Harrison, Jon and I became firefighters.
Jon, Harrison and I were out longboarding around Sandbridge minding our own business, when up ahead we see a man who is frantically waving his hands around in the air. He had already stopped two cars that were driving past.  We overheard him mention not having a cell phone, and then saying something about a fire. We all semi-freaked out. Within 5 seconds the camera is on and harrison starts filming! I'll set the stage for you, there are two cars just sitting in the road staring at the flames across the street, a man explaining the situation to the men sitting in there vehicles, and a house that is about to burn to the ground infront of our faces. The three us drop our longboards and run over to the house. We see the fire, it's was a trashcan that was leaning on the wooden post of the house and the fire was creeping its way up. First thing that pops in my head is we need a hose, so I ask the man who first spotted the fire if there was a hose on the house. Yes, there was. So I grab the hose and start spraying this stinky burning trashcan. Not gonna lie, I felt pretty legit. So there I am putting out a fire, Jon is watching it and telling me where to spray, harrison is being the camera man, and the man who spotted the fire is in awe at the fact the he didn't think to grab the hose. After the four of us got the fire out guess who shows up. The Firefighters. We all waved and said "We got this under control haha" The firefighters then took over and did there job. So we grabbed our boards and started heading back to the condo to share our story with the family! We had a little audience which was pretty cool. We just took it all in, I mean it's not everyday you put out a fire that had the potential of burning down and entire house.
